Get off your island, your team will thank you for it

You've got a team, and you've probably got your own island. But do you let your team onto your island?

As a leader, your team looks to you to trailblaze - to tackle the unknown with optimism, grace, and a solid strategy. What is often overlooked through this process is that you, as a leader, are now encountering your own unknown obstacles. Many leaders are prone to taking these challenges to their own 'island,' reluctant to share that they too, have hardships with their team. The ideals of 'strength' and 'success' have historically been portrayed via burying concerns, but the tides are shifting and making space for empathetic leadership.

Without the knowledge of your own trials and tribulations, weaknesses, or support requirements your team may not understand a tough business decision, why you've canceled meetings to prioritize something else or even just the residue of a stressful day.

A powerful perspective shift happens when our trailblazers start to open up to conversations about hurdles they're facing or even if they're just having a bad day. It allows you to be seen as relatable, human, and willing to collaborate with your team to find the best possible solution.

We recently experienced this 'AHA' moment with a team when they discussed their individual contributions and areas they require support in smaller groups. The consensus that came back was that they were all navigating the same waters at the same time while feeling as though they were perhaps going it alone somedays - on their own island.

There are many ways to share with your team without crossing boundaries and oversharing, but simply finding a point of resonance where all teams know they're on the same island together is a powerful first step.

Get off your island, and lead by example. Your team will thank you for it.

If you're not sure how to take that first step, reach out! We have a toolbox full of techniques to get teams to foster more transparency and collaboration.

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